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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Assignment 2b (10/8/2010)

The motive of Assignment 2b is to build a dome which can:-
1. Float all group members
2. Prefabricated
3. Carryable
4. Assembled in 30 minutes.
5. Life-span of 28 months

Group members:-
1) Gobi a/l velayutham 109657
2) Mohamad Naili Bin Mohamed Sokri 107287

This will be the progress of our project (10/8/2010)

Cutting the bamboo tree.

This our week 1 progress. Thank you

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Assignment 2 (Geodesic Dome)

Assignment 2 is based on creation of a Geodesic Dome using Bamboo Sticks.

this is the apparatus which I used 2 do the Geodesic Dome.

The surface of the Dome as in the picture above.

the following step on the Dome as in the picture above.

the following picture shows the Geodesic Dome is completed.

Monday, August 2, 2010

RAG 132 Assignment 1

The 6 elements are Intention, Actor, Act, Rule,Place and Product. This are the 6 elements which is related to us no matter in any aspects. Below are the pictures i've attached bassed on this 6 elements.

This picture was taken during the National Taekwondo 2009 tournament in Shah Alam.
INTENTION- The intention is obviously to win the championship

ACTORS- The actors will be myself and all of my team members as per in the

ACT- This picture shows the act which says that we should work as group to
achieve the needs of our individual.

PLACE- both of this picture will represent the place or the venue where the
tournament is held which is in shah alam.

RULE- The rule will be every player should stay united with the team and get
along with each other and also to understand the unity of other races as
per in the picture.

PRODUCT- The product will be the achievement after the tournament. Which is
that we won the overall of the championship as in the picture.